Application of Machine Learning for Automating Behavioral Tracking of Captive Bornean Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: artificial intelligence, automatic behavior tracking; image classification; object detection; orangutans, zoological institution
Qualitative Behavioural Assessment of bonobo emotional expressivity across observer groups and zoo housing environments
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, emotion, Fixed List, free choice profiling, primate, qba
Qualitative Behavioural Assessment of bonobo emotional expressivity across observer groups and zoo housing environments
Publication/Journal: Anim Welf
Keywords: animal welfare, emotion, Fixed List, free choice profiling, primate, qba
Visually assessed body condition shows high heritability in a pedigreed great ape population
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: animal models, body condition score, bonobo, relative fat mass
The influence of sex, rearing history, and personality on abnormal behaviour in zoo-housed bonobos (Pan paniscus)
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: abnormal behavior, animal welfare, bonobo, great ape, personality, rearing, zoo
Investigating the effects of sex and rearing-history on social network position in zoo-housed bonobos
Publication/Journal: BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2021/07/13-2021/07/14, Location: Online
Keywords: bonobos, rearing history, social network analysis
Time-lag of urinary and salivary cortisol response after a psychological stressor in bonobos (Pan paniscus)
The influence of sex, rearing history, and personality on abnormal behaviour in zoo-housed bonobos (Pan paniscus)
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: abnormal behaviour, animal welfare, great ape, personality, rearing, zoo
Physiological evidence for a human-induced landscape of fear in brown bears (Ursus arctos)
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: brown bear, heart rate, heart rate variability, human disturbance, ursus-arctos, wildlife
Variation in stress reactivity affects cage-induced stereotypies in female CD-1 (ICR) mice
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behaviour, cd-1, corticosterone, hpa response, mouse, stereotypy, stress, welfare