Seasonal and Daily Activity of Two Zoo-Housed Grizzly Bears (Ursus Arctos Horribilis)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: behavior, circadian, circannual, grizzlies, stereotypies, ursids, zoos
Elephant Management in North American Zoos: Environmental Enrichment, Feeding, Exercise, and Training
Publication/Journal: Plos One
Keywords: diet, elephant husbandry, enrichment, training, zoos
Recumbence Behavior in Zoo Elephants: Determination of Patterns and Frequency of Recumbent Rest and Associated Environmental and Social Factors
Publication/Journal: Plos One
Keywords: elephants, recumbency, welfare, zoo
Walking Behavior of Zoo Elephants: Associations between GPS-Measured Daily Walking Distances and Environmental Factors, Social Factors, and Welfare Indicators
Publication/Journal: Plos One
Keywords: captivity, elephants, gps, walking, welfare indicators
Early life adversity increases foraging and information gathering in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: body mass regulation, contrafreeloading, developmental stress, early life adversity, european starling, food insecurity, foraging, sturnus vulgaris
Guidelines for the Care and Welfare of Cephalopods in Research -A consensus based on an initiative by CephRes, FELASA and the Boyd Group
Publication/Journal: Laboratory Animals
Keywords: 3rs, 63, aggregata-octopiana protista, animal welfare, anisakis-simplex nematoda, branchial heart, caribbean reef squid, cephalopods, complex, cuttlefish sepia-officinalis, directive 2010, eledone-cirrhosa mollusca, elevated seawater pco(2), eu, invertebrates, octopus octopus-vulgaris, sepioteuthis-sepioidea, squid, standard publication checklist, veterinary sciences, zoology
Diurnal and nocturnal activity budgets of zoo elephants in an outdoor facility
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: activity budget, african elephant, animal management, animal welfare, behavioral needs, loxodonta africana, zoological institution
Opportunities for Public Aquariums to Increase the Sustainability of the Aquatic Animal Trade
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: aquaculture, fisheries, ornamental fish hobby, pet trade, public aquarium, sustainability, tropical fish
The effect of investigator disturbance on egg laying, chick survival and fledging mass of short-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris) and little penguins (Eudyptula minor)
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, eudyptula minor, investigator disturbance, little penguin, puffinus tenuirostris, short-tailed shearwater
The effects of GPS collars on African elephant (Loxodonta africana) behavior at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: activity budget, elephant behavior, gps, tracking device