Personality traits in captive Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Brazil and perspectives for the release of individuals
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behaviour, boldness, conservation, rehabilitation, shyness, temperament
Nocturnal behavior of orphaned Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) calves in Sri Lanka
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: animal welfare, asian elephant, elephas maximus, nocturnal behavior, rehabilitation, resting behavior
Assessing walking posture with geometric morphometrics: Effects of rearing environment in pigs
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: methodology, pig, posture analysis, rearing condition, welfare
Identifying use and non-use values of animal welfare: Evidence from Swedish dairy agriculture
Publication/Journal: Food Policy
Keywords: animal welfare of dairy cows, decision-making, laddering, means-end chain analysis, non-use values, use values
Invited review: Changes in the dairy industry affecting dairy cattle health and welfare
Publication/Journal: Journal of Dairy Science
Keywords: activity-monitoring-system, agriculture, antimicrobials, automated calf feeder, automated milking system, automatic, avium subspecies paratuberculosis, biosecurity, clinical mastitis, dairy & animal science, farm-animal, food science & technology, genome-wide association, herd size, immune-response traits, level risk-factors, milking systems, somatic-cell score, viral diarrhea virus, welfare
Lateralization of behavior in dairy cows in response to conspecifics and novel persons
Publication/Journal: Journal of Dairy Science
Keywords: dairy cow, dominance, hemispheric processing, visual lateralization
Reproductive and parental behavior in Taveta golden weavers (Ploceus castaneiceps)
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: husbandry, reproduction, social group
Chewable materials before weaning reduce tail biting in growing pigs
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: enrichment, farrowing pen, ontogeny, pig, swine, tail-biting
Fresh wood reduces tail and ear biting and increases exploratory behaviour in finishing pigs
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: environmental enrichment, fattening pigs, oral-nasal manipulation, point-source enrichment, redirected behaviours, welfare
Bird odour predicts reproductive success
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: chemical communication, dark-eyed junco, honest signal, junco hyemalis, mate assessment, mate choice, preen oil, sexual signalling, uropygial gland