A Comparative Perspective on Three Primate Species’ Responses to a Pictorial Emotional Stroop Task
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: *cognitive bias, affect, attentional bias, emotions, snake detection theory, Stroop effect, touchscreen, welfare, zoo
The effects of a choice test between food rewards and human interaction in a herd of domestic horses of varying breeds and experiences
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: equine behavior, horse-human interaction, human-animal interaction, positive reinforcement, preference, reward
Using a Touchscreen Paradigm to Evaluate Food Preferences and Response to Novel Photographic Stimuli of Food in Three Primate Species (Gorilla gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, and Macaca fuscata)
Publication/Journal: International Journal of Primatology
Keywords: photograph, preference testing, primate, touchscreen, welfare, worth valuations
A review of zoo-based cognitive research using touchscreen interfaces
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: comparative cognition, touch panel, touchscreens, welfare, zoos
Evaluating mood changes in response to anthropogenic noise with a response-slowing task in three species of zoo-housed primates
Publication/Journal: Animal Behavior and Cognition
Keywords: affect, gorilla gorilla, macaca fuscata, mood, noise, pan troglodytes, response slowing, zoo
Corticosterone–immune interactions during captive stress in invading Australian cane toads (Rhinella marina)
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: amphibian, anthropogenic stressor, complement, hpa axis, innate immunity, invasive species, phagocytosis, rhabdias pseudosphaerocephala