Further Than Fur: Effects of Sex, Body Site, and Season on Hair Color and Hair Cortisol Concentration in Captive Addax nasomaculatus Antelopes
Publication/Journal: Ruminants
Keywords: animal welfare, ex situ conservation, ruminant, stress, thermoregulation
Rehabilitation of Marine Turtles and Welfare Improvement by Application of Environmental Enrichment Strategies
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: conservation, environmental enrichment, rehabilitation, rescue, sea turtles, welfare
Preference and Motivation Tests for Body Tactile Stimulation in Fish
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: aggressive behavior, choice, motivation, social stress, welfare
Understanding behaviour to improve the welfare of an ornamental fish
Publication/Journal: Journal of Fish Biology
Keywords: Angelfish, cognitive ability, environmental enrichment, feeding, reproduction, social interaction
Behavioral patterns of laboratory Mongolian gerbils by sex and housing condition: a case study with an emphasis on sleeping patterns
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: behavioral patterns, captivity, case study, housing conditions, mongolian gerbil, sleep, social isolation, water consumption
Tactile stimulation reduces aggressiveness but does not lower stress in a territorial fish
Publication/Journal: Scientific Reports
Keywords: aggression, stress, tactile, territorial fish
Behavioral responses of Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) (Foster) to saltwater versus freshwater
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: captive, foraging, magellanic penguin, saltwater, spheniscus magellanicus, welfare
Comparison of salivary cortisol concentrations in Jaguars kept in captivity with diff exposures to public
Publication/Journal: Ciencia Rural
Keywords: jaguar, salivary cortisol, welfare