Human–Animal Interactions, Technology and Release Programmes in the Modern Zoo
Publication/Journal: CABI Books
Keywords: animal welfare, conservation, HAI, human-animal interactions, technology, visitor experience
Kibble diet is associated with higher faecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations in zoo-managed red wolves (Canis rufus)
Publication/Journal: Conservation Physiology
Keywords: animal welfare, diet, fecal glucocorticoid metabolites, Red wolf, zoo management
Personality Characteristics Predictive of Social Pairing Outcome in Orange-Winged Amazon Parrots (Amazona amazonica)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: amazon parrots, amazona amazonica, compatibility, orange-winged, pair housing, personality assessment, welfare
Behaviors related to positive, neutral, or negative valence in Odocoileus virginianus in below ground level or ground level exhibitor and influx of visitors
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: animal welfare, visitor effects, white-tailed deer, zoo
Behaviors related to positive, neutral, or negative valence in Odocoileus virginianus in below-ground-level or ground-level exhibitor and influx of visitors
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: Crowd noise, Exhibitor environment, habituation, ungulates, Visitors’ influx
The Effects of Oral Lavender Therapy on Wounding in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: chimpanzees, conflict, lavender, nonhuman primates, wounding
Integrating Individual Animal and Population Welfare in Zoos and Aquariums
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: aquarium, population welfare, zoo animal welfare
Quality of Life Assessment: The Value of Longitudinal Data in Making the End-of-Life Care Decision for a Macaque (Macaca Silenus/Macaca Nemestrina)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: animal management, end-of-life decisions, quality of life, singly housed, welfare
Understanding Circadian and Circannual Behavioral Cycles of Captive Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Can Help to Promote Good Welfare
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, behavior, breeding, captive, circadian, circannual
Assessing animal welfare: a triangulation of preference, judgement bias and other candidate welfare indicators
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour