Animal–Visitor Interactions
Publication/Journal: CABI Books
Keywords: animal visitor interaction (AVI), animal welfare, avi, responsible management
Benchmarking Giant Panda Welfare in Tourism: A Co-Design Approach for Animals, Tourists, Managers, and Researchers
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, benchmark, co-design, giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), tourism, visitor comments
The ethical assessment of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in wildlife conservation
Publication/Journal: Biological Conservation
Keywords: animal welfare, assisted reproductive technologies (art), biodiversity conservation, conservation ethics, Ethical assessment, research ethics
Health and environmental effects to wildlife from radio telemetry and tracking devices—state of the science and best management practices
Publication/Journal: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Keywords: data-loggers, fish, microchips, PIT tags, radio telemetry, radio-tracking, RFID chips, wildlife
Home is where the home range is: Identifying territoriality and exhibit preferences in an ex-situ group of all-male Nile crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus)
Publication/Journal: PLOS ONE
Keywords: animal behavior, animal welfare, collective animal behavior, crocodiles, geographic information systems, habitat, islands, network analysis
Play That Trunky Music: Development of an Auditory Enrichment Device for Elephants in Zoos
Publication/Journal: Proceedings of the International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction
Keywords: african elephant, auditory enrichment, loxodonta africana
The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s Approach to Assessing and Promoting Animal Welfare in Collaboration with Universities
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal welfare, animal welfare assessment, Five Domains, positive welfare, zoo
Understanding and Improving the Visitor Experience: How Can We Increase the Positive Social Impact of Animal–Visitor Interactions?
Publication/Journal: CABI Books
Keywords: animal–visitor interactions, avi, choice and control, wildlife conservation.
Whole versus chopped food: the bintu-right way to do it?
Publication/Journal: Discover Animals
Keywords: arctictis binturong, carnivora, chopped food, food particle size, wildlife park, zoo
Captive chimpanzee shares food with baboons
Publication/Journal: Current Zoology
Keywords: baboons, chimpanzee, food sharing