Influence of food physical properties and environmental context on manipulative behaviors highlighted by new methodological approaches in zoo-housed bonobos (Pan paniscus)
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: bonobos, evolution, manipulative abilities, nonhuman primate, pan paniscus
Baseline Behavioral Data and Behavioral Correlates of Disturbance for the Lake Oku Clawed Frog (Xenopus longipes)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: amphibian, behavior, welfare, zoo research
Investigating the Effect of Disturbance on Prey Consumption in Captive Congo Caecilians Herpele squalostoma
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: amphibian, behavior, diet, nitrogenous waste, welfare, zoo research
Personality in Zoo-Hatched Blanding’s Turtles Affects Behavior and Survival After Reintroduction Into the Wild
Publication/Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
Keywords: animal welfare, Blanding's turtle, conservation, personality, reintroduction, zoo
Boldness-mediated habitat use tactics and reproductive success in a wild large herbivore
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: behavioural syndrome, docility, individual performance, personality, predation–starvation trade-off, reproductive success, risk taking, space use, ungulate
Aggression and hormones are associated with heterogeneity in parasitism and parasite dynamics in the brown mouse lemur
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: behaviour, cortisol, lice, madagascar, primate, testosterone
Socially-induced variation in physiological mediators of parental care in a colonial bird
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: antioxidants, ecophysiology, hormones, parental care, social environment, sociophysiology
Beyond aggression: Androgen-receptor blockade modulates social interaction in wild meerkats
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: aggression, antiandrogen, behavioral neuroendocrinology, communication, cooperative breeder, field experiment, flutamide, prosocial behavior, subordinate male, testosterone
How practice makes perfect: the role of persistence, flexibility and learning in problem-solving efficiency
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: effective behaviour, efficiency, flexibility, grey squirrels, ineffective behaviour, learning, learning ability, persistence, problem solving
Predator odor exposure increases food-carrying behavior in rats
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: foraging, fox urine, innate fear, pre-encounter defensive response, risk avoidance