Activity budgets, responses to disturbance and novel behaviours in captive mountain chicken frogs Leptodactylus fallax
Publication/Journal: Herpetological Journal
Keywords: amphibians, behaviour, disturbance, mSPI, welfare, zoo
Social Reward Behaviour in Two Groups of European Grey Wolves (Canis lupus lupus)—A Case Study
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: behavioural chains, Canis lupus lupus, mammals, novel object, prosociality, social behavior, social reward, wolves
Investigating the Behavior and Personality Structure of the Aldabra Tortoise during Human Interactions and Training Events
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: Aldabrachelys giganea, animal personality, chelonia mydas, geochelone gigantea, human-animal interaction
Bold Frogs or Shy Toads? How Did the COVID-19 Closure of Zoological Organisations Affect Amphibian Activity?
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: amphibian behaviour, amphibian welfare, COVID-19, enclosure usage, evidence-based husbandry, visitor effect
Is individual temperament related to behaviors in a social context for a Neotropical parakeet species?
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: boldness, dominance, personality, Psittacara leucophthalmus, social behavior, social rank
Studying Antillean manatees’(Trichechus manatus manatus) temperament in zoological parks: exploration of boldness, sociality and reactivity to humans
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: conservation, manatees, novelty tests, personality questionnaire, temperament, welfare
Aggressive encounters lead to negative affective state in fish
Publication/Journal: Plos One
Keywords: affective state, aggression, fish welfare
Effects of personality and rearing-history on the welfare of captive Asiatic lions (Panthera leo persica)
Publication/Journal: PeerJ
Keywords: asiatic lion, captivity, personality, rearing, welfare
Boldness at the nest predicts foraging and diving behaviour of female but not male African penguins
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: at-sea behaviour, breeding success, chick growth, endangered species, personality types, resource acquisition
Evaluating the Behavior and Temperament of African Penguins in a Non-Contact Animal Encounter Program
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: ambassador animals, behavior, spheniscus demersus, temperament, welfare