A 30 Year (1991–2020) Retrospective mortality review of Giraffids spp. and Okapia johnstoni in managed care
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Keywords: animals, communicable diseases, giraffes, managed care programs, noncommunicable diseases, okapi, retrospective studies, ruminant, veterinary
Access to Multiple Habitats Improves Welfare: A Case Study of Two Zoo-Housed Black Bears (Ursus americanus)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: american black bear, animal welfare, carnivore, choice and control, environmental enrichment, zoo
Modification of Domestic Animal Lameness Scales for Use in Asiatic Black Bears (Ursus thibetanus)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: asiatic black bear, bear lameness scale, lameness assessment, locomotion, Ursus spp., Ursus thibetanus, welfare assessment
Nutritional effect of feeding enrichment using bamboo Pleioblastus spp. in zoo-kept Asian elephants Elephas maximus
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Precursors and aftermath of severe targeted aggression in captive cotton-top tamarins
Publication/Journal: Primates
Welfare assessment of slow loris (Nycticebus spp.) at an Indonesian primate rehabilitation center: Development and validation of body condition score
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: bcs, body circumference, body weight, nocturnal primate
Assessment of Indoor Air Quality for Group-Housed Macaques (Macaca spp.)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: air quality, airborne fungi, ammonia, dust, endotoxin, humidity, non-human primate, ventilation rate
Do zoo animals use off‐exhibit areas to avoid noise? A case study exploring the influence of sound on the behavior, physiology, and space use of two pied tamarins (Saguinus bicolor)
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: animal welfare, noise, tamarins, zoo
The Effect of Substrate on Water Quality in Ornamental Fish Tanks
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: environmental enrichment, gravel substrate, home aquaria, ornamental fishes, sand substrate, substrate enrichment
Forest access restores foraging and ranging behavior in captive sifakas
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: animal welfare, foraging, lemur