A 30 Year (1991–2020) Retrospective mortality review of Giraffids spp. and Okapia johnstoni in managed care
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Keywords: animals, communicable diseases, giraffes, managed care programs, noncommunicable diseases, okapi, retrospective studies, ruminant, veterinary
Advancing zoo animal welfare through data science: scaling up continuous improvement efforts
Publication/Journal: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Keywords: animal welfare, artificial intelligence, continuous improvement, data science, evidence-based decision making, machine learning, zoo
Analytical and biological validation of a noninvasive measurement of glucocorticoid metabolites in feces of Geoffroy’s spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi)
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: capture, circadian rhythm, cortisol, enzyme immunoassay, platyrrhines, reproductive state
Assessing zoo giraffe survivorship: Methodological aspects, historical improvement and a rapid demographic shift
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: giraffa camelopardalis, husbandry, mortality, progress, survival
Automatic detection of stereotypical behaviors of captive wild animals based on surveillance videos of zoos and animal reserves
Publication/Journal: Ecological Informatics
Keywords: animal tracking, animal welfare, captive animal, Motion trajectory, Siamese network, stereotypical behavior
The behavioral response of a captive female Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) to mixed-species exhibition with two Asian small-clawed otters (Aonyx cinereus)
Keywords: activity budget, animal welfare, enrichment, environmental conditions, primates, Reaction norms, Surveillance, translocation, zoo
Captive Management and Reproduction of the Rio Pescado Stubfoot Toad (Atelopus balios)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: atelopus, captive management, conservation, temperature cycling
Development of an animal welfare tool for zoo-housed primates, considering intra- and inter-rater reliability
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: assessment, inter-rater reliability, intra-rater reliability, primates, tool, welfare, zoo
The effects of anthropogenic noise on frogs housed on exhibit at a public aquarium
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: acoustics, conservation, Dentrobatidae, vocalization, zoo
The Effects of Enrichment on Zoo-Housed Scarlet Ibis Behavior
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: behavior, captivity, environmental enrichment, Eudocimus ruber, scarlet ibis., Zoomarine Algarve