How best to improve farm animal welfare? Four main approaches viewed from an economic perspective
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, consumers, corporate social responsibility, economics, legislation, stakeholders
Humane euthanasia of neonates I: validation of the effectiveness of the Zephyr EXL non-penetrating captive-bolt euthanasia system on neonate piglets up to 10.9 kg live-weight
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, captive bolt, euthanasia, mechanical stunning, piglet, visual evoked potentials
Assessing cow-calf welfare. Part 1: Benchmarking beef cow health and behavior, handling; and management, facilities, and producer perspectives
Publication/Journal: Journal of Animal Science
Keywords: beef cattle, calf, cow, welfare
Assessing cow-calf welfare. Part 2: Risk factors for beef cow health and behavior and stockperson handling
Publication/Journal: Journal of Animal Science
Keywords: beef cattle, calf, cow, handling, welfare
Attitudes of beef producers to disbudding and perception of pain in cattle
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, attitude, beef producer, cattle pain, disbudding, human-animal relationship
An assessment tool to help producers improve cow comfort on their farms
Publication/Journal: Journal of Dairy Science
Keywords: assessment tool, dairy cow comfort, freestall, tiestall
Broiler chicken welfare assessment in GLOBALGAP® certified and non-certified farms in Brazil
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, animal-based assessment, certification, chicken, international trade, welfare quality®
Perceptions and practices of Finnish dairy producers on disbudding pain in calves
Publication/Journal: Journal of Dairy Science
Keywords: calf welfare, disbudding-related pain, management practice, producer perception
Stakeholder views on treating pain due to dehorning dairy calves
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, attitudes, calves, dehorning, disbudding, pain
Dominance, pair bonds and boldness determine social-foraging tactics in rooks, Corvus frugilegus
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: boldness, corvus frugilegus, dominance, heterogeneity, individual differences, pair bond, personality, producer–scrounger, rook, social foraging