Captive Management and Reproduction of the Rio Pescado Stubfoot Toad (Atelopus balios)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: atelopus, captive management, conservation, temperature cycling
Effects of nocturnal outdoor enclosure access on space use and sleep-related behaviour in captive giraffes
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: animal welfare, housing management, lying down, modified SPI, recumbent posture
Hibernating or not hibernating? Brown bears’ response to a mismatch between environmental natural cues and captive management, and its welfare implications
Publication/Journal: PLOS ONE
Keywords: animal welfare, captive management, cues, environment, physiology
A scoping review of the use of bioacoustics to assess various components of farm animal welfare
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal behaviour, animal welfare, bioacoustics, precision livestock farming, vocalization
The Visitor Effect in Primates
Publication/Journal: Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice
Keywords: physiological measures, primate behaviors, primates, space use, visitor effects
Age-Related Change in the Association Choices of Two Species of Juvenile Flamingos
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: animal husbandry, animal welfare, association, behavioural development, enclosure use, flamingo
The Evolution of Zoos as Conservation Institutions: A Summary of the Transition from Menageries to Zoological Gardens and Parallel Improvement of Mammalian Welfare Management
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Keywords: behavior, environmental enrichment, husbandry, species preservation conservation, zoo stress
Hierarchical position of individual captive western lowland gorillas Gorilla gorilla gorilla and its impact on neighbour associations and behaviour
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Influence of social enrichment on transport stress in fish: a behavioural approach
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behaviour, enrichment, ornamental fish, social composition, welfare
Influence of social enrichment on transport stress in fish: a behavioural approach
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behaviour, enrichment, ornamental fish, social composition, welfare