Discovering the Relationship between Dietary Nutrients on Cortisol and Ghrelin Hormones in Horses Exhibiting Oral Stereotypic behaviour: A Review
Publication/Journal: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
Keywords: abnormal behaviour, cortisol, equine, ghrelin, macronutrient, oral stereotypy, redirected
The importance of hormonal circadian rhythms in daily feeding patterns: An illustration with simulated pigs
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: alternans pattern, circadian rhythm, cortisol, decision-making, energy balance, feeding behaviour, melatonin, modelling, motivation, pig
Disruption of cue-potentiated feeding in mice with blocked ghrelin signaling
Appetite regulation: The central role of melatonin in Danio rerio
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: cb1, fish, food intake, ghrelin, leptin, mc4r, melatonin, npy