Changes in Environment and Management Practices Improve Foot Health in Zoo-Housed Flamingos
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: bumblefoot, enclosure design, pododermatitis, welfare, zoo enclosure
The effect of different types of environmental enrichment on Humboldt penguin Spheniscus humboldti behaviour
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: enrichment, feed, island, minnows, penguins, sticks
Effect of simple and low-cost enrichment items on behavioral, clinical, and productive variables of caged laying hens
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: environmental enrichment, poultry, production, thermography, welfare
Infrared Thermography as a Diagnostic Tool for Pododermatitis in Captive Greater Flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: bumblefoot, foot pad dermatitis, temperature, thermal imaging
Photodynamic therapy for pododermatitis in penguins
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: antimicrobial, bumblefoot, laser, light, methylene blue, photodynamic inactivation, photoinactivation, phototherapy, spheniscus magellanicus, wound healing
Evaluation of potential variables contributing to the development and duration of plantar lesions in a population of aquarium-maintained African penguins (Spheniscus demersus)
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: bumblefoot, pododermatitis, risk-factors, substrate, treatment, weight
Use of thermography to screen for subclinical bumblefoot in poultry
Publication/Journal: Poultry Science
Keywords: bumblefoot, chicken, infection, thermography, welfare
Effects of feeding enrichment on the behaviour and welfare of captive Waldrapps (Northern bald ibis) (Geronticus eremita)
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, bumblefoot, feeding enrichment, northern bald ibis, pododermatitis, waldrapp ibis
A Novel Approach to the Treatment of Bumblefoot in Penguins
Publication/Journal: Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery
Keywords: adélie penguin, bumblefoot, neoprene shoe, penguin, pododermatitis, pygoscelis adeliae