Assessing Giraffe Welfare During Seasonal Habitat Changes in Northern US Zoos
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: animal behavior, animal welfare, enclosure, fecal glucocorticoid metabolites, giraffe, recumbency
Effects of different rooting materials on behaviour and welfare of finishing pigs
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behaviour, environmental enrichment, finishing pigs, rooting material, welfare
Factors influencing the behaviour of common leopard (Panthera pardus) in captivity
Publication/Journal: Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity
Keywords: activity pattern, enrichment, inactive, stereotypic, sustainability
Hibernating or not hibernating? Brown bears’ response to a mismatch between environmental natural cues and captive management, and its welfare implications
Publication/Journal: PLOS ONE
Keywords: animal welfare, captive management, cues, environment, physiology
Qualitative Behavioural Assessment of bonobo emotional expressivity across observer groups and zoo housing environments
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, emotion, Fixed List, free choice profiling, primate, qba
Qualitative Behavioural Assessment of bonobo emotional expressivity across observer groups and zoo housing environments
Publication/Journal: Anim Welf
Keywords: animal welfare, emotion, Fixed List, free choice profiling, primate, qba
Aquarium Visitors Catch Some Rays: Rays Are More Active in the Presence of More Visitors
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: aquarium, elasmobranch, visitor effect, zoo animal welfare
Behavior Reference Intervals and Activity Budgets of Bottlenose Dolphins in Accredited Zoos and Aquariums
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal welfare, behavior, bottlenose dolphins, evidence-based husbandry, zoo
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in US zoos, sanctuaries, and research facilities: A survey-based comparison of species-typical behaviors
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: ape, chimpanzee, primate, species-typical behavior, welfare
A comprehensive investigation of negative visitor behaviour in the zoo setting and captive animals’ behavioural response
Publication/Journal: Heliyon
Keywords: animal behaviour, Circuit-study, Negative behaviour, visitors, zoo