A retrospective study of mortality in Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in UK zoos
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: carcinoma, disease, European, felid, zoological
Ethics and the choice of animal advocacy campaigns
Publication/Journal: Ecological Economics
Keywords: animal rights, animal welfare, campaigns, ecology, economics, environmental sciences, environmental studies, ethics, products, rights, welfare
Effect of Mother’s Dominance Rank on Offspring Temperament in Infant Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: development, dominance, hierarchy, infant, temperament
Prey availability influences the ontogeny and timing of chemoreception-based prey shifting in the striped crayfish snake, Regina alleni
Publication/Journal: Journal of Comparative Psychology
Keywords: chemoreception, crayfish snake, ontogeny, prey availability
Highly Accurate Antibody Assays for Early and Rapid Detection of Tuberculosis in African and Asian Elephants
Publication/Journal: Clinical and Vaccine Immunology
Keywords: elephants, mycobacterium tuberculosis, trunk wash culture, tuberculosis, zoonotic disease
Zoo Research Guidelines: Behavioural Profiling
Keywords: behavioral profiling, behavioral syndrome, behavioural profiling, behavioural syndrome, individual differences, methodology, personality, temperament
Suckling behaviour in domestic foals and the development of abnormal oral behaviour
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: abnormal oral behavior, equus-caballus, foal, horses, steryotypic behaviour, steryotypy, suckling behaviour