Comparative neuroendocrinology: A call for more study of reptiles!
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: comparative studies, neuroendocrinology, reptiles
Diel and infradian (7-day) activity rhythms in Mexican spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) kept with and without visitor contact
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: activity pattern, circadian rhythm, circaseptan rhythm, masking effect, zoo visitor effect
Face-based perception of emotions in dairy goats
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: *cognitive bias, ear postures, emotions, face, goats
The effect of a diet change on regurgitation and reingestion in captive chimpanzees
Publication/Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Keywords: captivity, chimpanzee, diet change, regurgitation and reingestion
Housing and management factors associated with indicators of dairy cattle welfare
Publication/Journal: Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Keywords: animal welfare, dairy cattle, environment, housing, management, risk factor
Urban noise undermines female sexual preferences for low-frequency songs in domestic canaries
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: anthropogenic noise, birdsong, domestic canary, masking, mate choice, serinus canaria
Assessment time of the Welfare Quality protocol for dairy cattle
Publication/Journal: Animal Welfare
Keywords: animal welfare, dairy cows, on-farm assessment, prediction, protocol, welfare quality®
The behavioral context of visual displays in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: body posture, common marmoset, communication, facial expression, social behavior
Behavioural and physiological responses of heifer calves to acute stressors: Long-term consistency and relationship with adult reactivity to milking
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: behavioural test, dairy cattle, development, fearfulness, hpa axis, individual differences, temperament
Consistency of dominance rank order: A comparison of David’s scores with I&SI and Bayesian methods in macaques
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: bayesian estimation, david's score, dominance ranks, dyadic dominance indices, i&s*i, macaques