Increase in environmental temperature affects exploratory behaviour, anxiety and social preference in Danio rerio
Publication/Journal: Scientific Reports
Keywords: anxiety, exploratory behavior, fish welfare, social behavior, zebrafish
Stereotypic behaviours in Melopsittacus undulatus: Behavioural consequences of social and spatial limitations
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: animal welfare, behaviour, environmental enrichments, melopsittacus undulatus, parrot, psycho-physical stress, stereotypy
Not all stressors are equal: Early social enrichment favors resilience to social but not physical stress in male mice
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: behavior, communal nesting, corticosterone, early experiences, match/mismatch hypothesis, physical, social, stress, stress quality
Early behavioural enrichment in the form of handling renders mouse pups unresponsive to anxiolytic drugs and increases NGF levels in the hippocampus
Publication/Journal: Behavioural Brain Research
Keywords: animal models, anxiety, benzodiazepines, epigenetic factors, maternal behavior, maternal behaviour, mice, neurotrophins, ultrasonic vocalizations