Noninvasive high field MRI brain imaging of the Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)
Publication/Journal: Copeia
Keywords: garter snake, high field magnetic resonance imaging, olfactory, vomeronasal
Effects of ultraviolet radiation on amphibians field experiments
Publication/Journal: American Zool.
Keywords: amphibians, field experiements, ultraviolet radiation, uv
Paternal care in New World Primates
Publication/Journal: American Zoologist
Keywords: aotus, callicebus, callimico, callithrix, cebuella, leontopithecus, new world primate, paternal care, saguinus
Eliciting play: A comparative study
Publication/Journal: American Zoologist
Keywords: artiodactyla, carnivora, comparison, development, investigation, locomotor and rotational movements, pinnipedia, play, rodentia