Correcting for the impact of gregariousness in social network analyses
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: association index, gregariousness, half-weight index, hwig, social network
Testing for the presence of coping styles in a wild mammal
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: breathing rate, cortisol, docility, heart rate, mcmcglmm, open-field test, personality, variance components
Personality differences are related to long-term stress reactivity in a population of wild eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: coping style, faecal cortisol, field endocrinology, parasympathetic activity, personality, tamias striatus
Behavioural reaction norms: animal personality meets individual plasticity
Publication/Journal: Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Keywords: animal personality, behavioral reaction norms, behavioral syndromes, behavioural reaction norms, behavioural syndromes, plasticity, temperament
Value of captive populations for quantitative genetics research
Publication/Journal: Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Keywords: adaptation, captive, conservation, pedigrees, quantitative genetics, zoos
Animal Temperament and Human Disturbance: Implications for the Response of Wildlife to Tourism
Publication/Journal: Behavioural Processes
Keywords: eastern chipmunk, hair cortisol, hole-board test, temperament trait, tourism exposure
Temperament, risk assessment and habituation to novelty in eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus
Publication/Journal: Animal Behaviour
Keywords: behavioral syndrome, behavioural syndrome, docility, eastern chipmunks, exploration, habituation, hole-board, personality, tamias striatus, temperament trait
Integrating animal temperament within ecology and evolution
Publication/Journal: Biological Reviews
Keywords: aggressiveness, behavioural syndromes, context-specificity, coping styles, exploration, individual differences, personality, shyness-boldness, sociability, temperament
Wildlife conservation and animal temperament- causes and consequences of evolutionary change for captive, reintroduced, and wild populations
Publication/Journal: Animal Conservation
Keywords: animal temperament, captivity, contemporary evolution, personality, reintroductions., shy–bold