Environmental and physiological determinants of huddling behavior of molting female southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: aggregation behavior, habitat type, heat loss, meteorological variations, phocids, stomach temperature
Skin temperature reveals the intensity of acute stress
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: animal welfare, corticosterone, stress-induced hyperthermia, thermal imaging
Assessment of flipper tag site healing in gray seal pups using thermography
Publication/Journal: Marine Mammal Science
Keywords: gray seal, halichoerus grypus, infrared imaging, marine mammal, tagging, wound
Estimating metabolic heat loss in birds and mammals by combining infrared thermography with biophysical modelling☆
Publication/Journal: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Keywords: body temperature, endotherms, metabolism, thermal imaging, thermoregulation
Why do vultures have bald heads? The role of postural adjustment and bare skin areas in thermoregulation
Publication/Journal: Journal of Thermal Biology
Keywords: bare skin areas, griffon vulture, heat loss, thermoregulation
The value of infrared thermography for research on mammals: previous applications and future directions
Publication/Journal: Mammal Review
Keywords: disease, infrared thermography, injury, population surveys, temperature measurement, thermal physiology
The use of IR thermography to measure the radiative temperature and heat loss of a barn owl (Tyto alba)
Publication/Journal: Journal of Thermal Biology
Keywords: barn owl, heat loss, ir thermography, metabolic rate, tyto alba