Alpha male status and availability of conceptive females are associated with high glucocorticoid concentrations in high-ranking male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) during the mating season
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: dominance rank, glucocorticoids, mating season
Effects of early life adversity on cortisol/salivary alpha-amylase symmetry in free-ranging juvenile rhesus macaques
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: alpha-amylase, asymmetry, cortisol, early life adversity, hpa, rhesus macaque, stress
What cortisol can tell us about the costs of sociality and reproduction among free-ranging rhesus macaque females on Cayo Santiago
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: competition, cortisol, reproduction, rhesus macaques, social evolution, stress
Measuring salivary analytes from free-ranging monkeys
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: alpha-amylase, cortisol, enzyme-immuno-assay, field methods, immune function, laboratory methods, mammalian brains, saliva, secretory immunoglobulin a
Terminal investment and senescence in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago
Publication/Journal: Behavioral Ecology
Keywords: aging, life history, maternal investment, offspring fitness, reproductive senescence, rhesus macaques
Effects of reproductive condition and dominance rank on cortisol responsiveness to stress in free-ranging female rhesus macaques
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: cortisol, rank, reproductive condition, rhesus macaques
Mother–infant interactions in free-ranging rhesus macaques: Relationships between physiological and behavioral variables
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: cortisol, infant behavior, maternal behavior, monoamine neurotransmitters, oxytocin, prolactin, rhesus monkeys
Sex Differences in Play Among Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) Infants: Implications for Adult Behavior and Social Structure
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Keywords: gorillas, partner preferences, play, sex differences, social-structure
Mother-infant interactions in western lowland gorillas ( Gorilla gorilla gorilla): Spatial relationships, communication and opportunities for social learning
Publication/Journal: Journal of Comparative Psychology
Keywords: mother-infant interactions, social learning, western lowland gorillas