Behavioral effects of an immunocontraceptive vaccine on eastern fox squirrels
Publication/Journal: Journal of Wildlife Management
Keywords: california, eastern fox squirrel, ecology, efficacy, fertility-control, gnrh vaccine, gonacon, gonacon(tm), gray squirrels, guidelines, immunocontraception, invasive, mirror image stimulation, open field trial, personality, population control, populations, sciurus niger, species, white-tailed deer, wild, wildlife contraception, zoology
Consequences of Acute Stress and Cortisol Manipulation on the Physiology, Behavior, and Reproductive Outcome of Female Pacific Salmon on Spawning Grounds
Publication/Journal: Hormones and Behavior
Keywords: behavior, behaviour, cortisol, hormone injections, metyrapone, oncorhynchus gorbuscha, pacific salmon, reproduction, senescence, stress
Comparative Effects of Urban Development and Anthropogenic Noise on Bird Songs
Publication/Journal: Behavioral Ecology
Keywords: *bird song, acoustic adjustment, acoustic interference, anthropogenic noise, signal transmission, urbanization
Acquisition of fishes and aquatic invertebrates for zoological collections. Is there a future?
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: aquarium collections, aquatic invertebrates, collecting, fishes, mac, marine aquarium council, sustainable fisheries
Paternal behavior in rodents
Publication/Journal: American Zoologist
Keywords: adaptation, basic motor patterns, diverse habitats, experience, genotype, intraspecific variability, lability, muroid & hystricomorph rodents, paternal behavior, rodents, sciurids, social conditions, stimulus characteristics, thresholds and conditions