Preliminary Findings on How Different Management Systems and Social Interactions Influence Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites in White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)
Publication/Journal: Animals
Keywords: glucocorticoids, management, reproduction, stress, white rhinoceros
Diet of the Critically Endangered Brown Spider Monkey (Ateles hybridus) in an Inter-Andean Lowland Rainforest in Colombia
Publication/Journal: American Journal of Primatology
Keywords: endangered primates, feeding behavior, fragmentation, frugivores, fruit availability
Foraging behaviour of beef heifers and ewes in natural grasslands with distinct proportions of tussocks
Publication/Journal: Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Keywords: eragrostis plana nees, grazing behaviour, mosaic grassland, percentage of tussock cover, short-term intake rate
Circadian rhythms in metabolic variables in Caenorhabditis elegans
Publication/Journal: Physiology & Behavior
Keywords: caenorhabditis elegans, circadian rhythm, metabolic variables
Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming
Publication/Journal: Nature
Keywords: atelopus, bufo periglenes, chytrid fungus, climate change, extinction, global warming, golden toad, monteverde harlequin frog
The Effect of Environmental Manipulation on Behavior, Salivary Cortisol, and Growth of Piglets Weaned at 14 Days of Age
Publication/Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Keywords: belly nosing behavior, belly nosing behaviour, cortisol, early weaning, environmental enrichment, pig, piglet, swine, welfare
Use of salivary steroid analyses to assess ovarian cycles in an Indian rhinoceros at the National Zoological Park
Publication/Journal: Zoo Biology
Keywords: androgens, estrogens, estrus, hormones, progestins
Retinal Spectral Sensitivity, Fur Coloration, and Urine Reflectance in the Genus Octodon (Rodentia): Implications for Visual Ecology
Publication/Journal: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
Keywords: caviomorpha, fur, octodon, octodon bridgesi, octodon degus, octodon lunatus, spectral properties, spectral sensitivity, ultraviolet, urine, uv reflectance