Are mules or donkeys better adapted for Egyptian brick kiln work? (Until we can change the kilns)

The working conditions of donkeys and mules in the Egyptian brick kilns are often very challenging. Common problems for these equids include the following: overloading, overworking, heat stress, harness lesions, poor body condition scores (BCSs), and poor treatment by handlers. However, mechanization of the Egyptian brick kilns is not yet realistic without entirely renovating all […]

Application of the Hands-On Donkey Tool for Assessing the Welfare of Working Equids at Tuliman, Mexico

ABSTRACTEquids are still used for diverse chores in Mexico and are essential for the livelihoods of numerous families. Appropriate health and behavior are prerequisites for performing work without affecting welfare. This study aimed to assess the welfare of working equids in Tuliman, applying the hands-on donkey tool. This tool evaluates five dimensions (behavior, body condition […]