Behaviors related to positive, neutral, or negative valence in Odocoileus virginianus in below ground level or ground level exhibitor and influx of visitors

The frequency of behaviors related to positive, neutral, or negative emotional valence in Odocoileus virginianus in two zoos were compared, with below ground level (3m) (BGe) or ground level (Ge) exhibitor during days of no, low and high influx of visitors. In BGe 11 deer with visual barriers and 4m from visitors were used and […]

Behavioral effects of an immunocontraceptive vaccine on eastern fox squirrels

Managing pest species in urban and suburban areas is challenging, and contraception may provide a socially acceptable and effective management option for many species. The immunocontraceptive vaccine, GonaCon, effectively inhibits reproduction in many species of wildlife, but the behavioral effects are not yet well understood. Contraceptive-induced changes in behavior could raise animal welfare concerns and […]

An assessment of animal welfare for the culling of peri-urban kangaroos

Context Shooting is used to reduce the abundance of kangaroo (Macropus sp.) populations in many peri-urban areas in Australia, but there is uncertainty surrounding the animal welfare outcomes of this practice. Aim We assessed the animal welfare outcomes of night shooting for peri-urban eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus). We quantified the duration of stress for: […]

An animal welfare assessment framework for helicopter darting: a case study with a newly developed method for feral horses

Context Helicopter darting (chemical immobilisation) is a very useful technique for large wild herbivores, such as feral horses (Equus caballus). There is currently no reliable framework to report on the animal welfare impacts of helicopter darting methods. Aim The aim of this study was to develop an animal welfare assessment framework for helicopter darting methods, […]


Over several decades, animal welfare has grown into its own free-standing field of scientific study, from its early beginnings in laboratory animal research to eventually include exhibited animals and farm animals. While it has always been present to some degree, consideration of animal welfare for free-ranging animals has lagged behind, developing as a field of […]