Personality types vary in their personal and social information use

Gathering information about the environment, such as the location and quality of food, is crucial for an animal’s survival, particularly in a changing environment. An animal can collect ‘personal information’ by interacting with the environment itself, or it can collect ‘social information’ by observing the behaviour of others. The use of these two types of […]

Time-lapse infrared videography for animal behavior observations

Abstract 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2361(1998)17:63.3.CO;2-J Although videography has been used for many years to record episodes of animal behavior, the availability of increasingly complex equipment can make selection difficult. Most equipment developed for round-the-clock observations was designed for security surveillance, so informed purchasing, installation, and usage decisions need to be made to monitor animal behavior effectively. During 7 […]

Locomotion of free-ranging golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) at the National Zoological Park

Abstract 10.1002/zoo.1430130407.abs Locomotor behavior and substrate use of cage-reared golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia), newly released and free-ranging on the grounds of the National Zoological Park, were studied to determine if locomotion changed following exposure to naturalistic conditions. The animals employed a predominantly quadrupedal locomotor profile, incorporating leaping and vertical climbing to a lesser degree. […]

Use of video system and its effects on abnormal behaviour in captive Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)

Although nonhuman primates have highly developed visual cognitive abilities, they have few opportunities to exert such abilities in captivity. Video presentation can reproduce multiple features of the complex, real, visual world. Therefore, video presentation can be expected to act as environmental enrichment for captive primates. The present study evaluated the enriching effects of novelty and […]

Behavioral Responses of Silverback Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) to Videos

This study examined the impact of video presentations on the behavior of 4 silverback, western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). On each of 5 occasions, gorillas viewed 6 types of videos (blue screen, humans, an all-male or mixed-sex group engaged in low activity, and an all-male or mixed-sex group engaged in agonistic behavior). The study […]

Application of video recording technology to improve husbandry and reproduction in the carmine bee-eater (Merops n. nubicus)

Incorporating technology with research is becoming increasingly important to enhance animal welfare in zoological settings. Video technology is used in the management of avian populations to facilitate efficient information collection on aspects of avian reproduction that are impractical or impossible to obtain through direct observation. Disney’s Animal Kingdom® maintains a successful breeding colony of Northern […]

Effects of Video Footage Versus Photographs on Perception of Dog Behavioral Traits

Photographs are frequently used to promote adoption of dogs on rescue shelter websites. While physical traits are well illustrated via photographs, conveying a dog’s behavioral traits is more problematic. Traits such as sociability, obedience, and friendliness are likely to be better displayed via video footage. This study explored the effects of video versus photographs on […]