Personality in the behaviour of great apes: temporal stability, cross-situational consistency and coherence in response

Using a multidisciplinary approach, the present study complements ethological behaviour measurements with basic theoretical concepts, methods and approaches of the personality psychological trait paradigm. Its adoptability and usefulness for animal studies are tested exemplarily on a sample of 20 zoo-housed great apes (five of each of the following species): bonobos, Pan paniscus; chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes […]

Personality dimensions in nonhuman animals: A cross-species review

The evolutionary continuity between humans and other animals suggests that some dimensions of personality may be common across a wide range of species. Unfortunately, there is no unified body of research on animal personality; studies are dispered across multiple disciplines and diverse journals. To review 19 studies of personality factors in 12 nonhuman species, we […]

Labrador retrievers are more attracted to water than to social stimuli: A pilot study

The Labrador retriever is a breed of domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris/Canis familiaris) of great importance to our current society. This breed was selected to be an excellent water dog and to work with fishermen. Because of its origins, the popular belief is that Labrador retrievers are “keen water lovers.” However, the extent to which […]