Anuran gender identification by fecal steroid analysis

Abstract 10.1002/zoo.20077.abs This study tested the hypothesis that steroid hormone metabolites can be measured in anuran feces and their concentrations used to identify the sex of adults. Fecal samples from American toads, Bufo americanus, and boreal toads, B. boreas boreas, were extracted using ethyl acetate, and the concentrations of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone metabolites were […]

Increased Circulating Levels of Testosterone and Corticosterone in Southern Toads, Bufo terrestris, Exposed to Coal Combustion Waste

This study describes an interrenal stress response in adult toads, Bufo terrestris, after exposure to coal combustion waste (characterized by a variety of trace elements). In the first portion of this study, free-ranging male toads captured at the coal ash polluted site exhibited significantly higher circulating levels of corticosterone (B) in both June/July and August […]

Common toads (Bufo arenarum) learn to anticipate and avoid hypertonic saline solutions

Toads (Bufo arenarum) were exposed to pairings between immersion in a neutral saline solution (i.e., one that caused no significant variation in fluid balance), followed by immersion in a highly hypertonic saline solution (i.e., one that caused water loss). In Experiment 1, solutions were presented in a Pavlovian conditioning arrangement. A group receiving a single […]