Demographic correlates of bite wounding in Eurasian badgers, Meles meles L., in stable and perturbed populations

In the U.K., Eurasian badgers often live in social groups and defend a collective territory. Aggressive encounters between badgers may lead to bite wounds, which can be severe and may be a potential route of disease transmission. Using data obtained over a 5-year period, we compared patterns of bite wounding in three badger populations of […]

Experimental induction of social instability during early breeding does not alter testosterone levels in male black redstarts, a socially monogamous songbird

Testosterone plays an important role in territorial behavior of many male vertebrates and the Challenge Hypothesis has been suggested to explain differences in testosterone concentrations between males. For socially monogamous birds, the challenge hypothesis predicts that testosterone should increase during male–male interactions. To test this, simulated territorial intrusion (STI) experiments have been conducted, but only […]