Early social experience influences the development of stereotypic behaviour in captive-born striped mice Rhabdomys

The early life experience of captive animals, in combination with their genetic inheritance, can predispose or promote the development of stereotypic behaviour in later life. To investigate the early social effects of weaning age and the presence/absence of the father on the development of stereotypic behaviour in adulthood, we retrospectively analysed data from our captive […]

Association between personality and stereotypic behaviours in the African striped mouse Rhabdomys dilectus

Stereotypic behaviours, which are abnormal, repetitive and invariant behaviours caused by frustration and/or central nervous system dysfunction, develop as a result of sub-optimal captive conditions that provide inadequate motor and sensory stimulation. However, not all individuals housed under such conditions develop stereotypic behaviours. One hypothesis to explain such variation is personality (i.e. individual) differences. We […]