The effect of anthropogenic noise on foraging and vigilance in zoo housed pied tamarins

The phenomenon of human-induced rapid environmental change (HIREC) is a great challenge in the modern world that presents a threat to all species. Research on the effect of anthropogenic noise on free-living wildlife is increasing but the effect of anthropogenic noise on the behaviour and welfare of captive wildlife has received limited attention, even though […]

The effects of repeated handling and corticosterone treatment on behavior in an amphibian (Ocoee salamander: Desmognathus ocoee)

Exposure to unpredictable challenges triggers a stress response that helps an animal cope by ensuring energy availability and increasing expression of anti-predator behaviors. At the same time, stress responses typically suppress activities non-essential to immediate survival, such as growth and reproduction. Glucocorticoid hormones are key mediators of the stress response. We measured the effects of […]

Effects of the different transport phases on equine health status, behavior, and welfare: A review

The aim of this review is to provide practical outcomes on how to manage equine transport stress. Many horses travel frequently during their life, and transportation is one of the major causes of injuries, health disorders, and economic loss for horse breeding and the wider equine industry. There are a number of recent publications in […]