Inter-individual Distance in Different Captive Packs of Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus): Management Applications

There is a tendency for the wolves of a pack to stay together assuming that there is a social bond between the pack members. A rough estimate of the strength of this bond can be obtained by measuring the distances between pack members. The aim of this study was to determine the inter-individual distance by […]

Using video playback to investigate the social preferences of rooks, Corvus frugilegus

It is important for social animals to be able to discriminate between group members. Much is known about vocal social communication through auditory playback techniques; however, visual information may also be important for conspecific recognition in the absence of auditory cues. Within the visual channel both static and dynamic features may play important roles in […]

Female influences on pair formation, reproduction and male stress responses in a monogamous cavy (Galea monasteriensis)

We examined the possible existence of, and female contributions to, pair bonds, as well as the relation of social preference to mating selectivity, in a recently identified wild guinea pig, the Muenster yellow-toothed cavy (Galea monasteriensis). In Experiment 1, females housed for ~ 20 days in an apparatus in which they could choose to approach and interact […]

The structure of social relationships among captive female giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

Giraffe herds have been characterized as random associations of individuals, but recent evidence suggests giraffe have a more complex social structure. The authors formulated 3 hypotheses designed to evaluate whether a herd of captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) associated randomly or patterned their behavior and proximity in a manner indicative of social relationships. Affiliative interaction, proximity, […]

Do hens have friends?

Recent interest in positive welfare has encouraged consideration of the formation of socio-positive relationships in farmed species which may provide a means by which to manage positive states. We investigated in detail the existence of dyadic preferential associations in small groups of domestic laying hens. Spatial and temporal associations were examined in two contexts (day […]

Scent marking increases male reproductive success in wild house mice

Scent marking is often assumed to be a secondary sexual trait that increases males’ mating and reproductive success, although direct evidence for this hypothesis is lacking. We conducted a study with wild-derived house mice, Mus musculus musculus, to test whether scent marking increases males’ reproductive success when females can freely choose between two territorial males. […]

Social preference influences female community structure in a population of wild eastern grey kangaroos

Communities, clusters of individuals who interact socially primarily with each other, are fundamental elements of social structure in many species. Community membership can be influenced by spatial factors and by social preferences resulting from genetic or phenotypic assortment or shared behavioural strategies. Very little is known about community social structure in herbivorous mammals with higher […]

Associations are more strongly correlated with space use than kinship in female eastern grey kangaroos

Understanding the relationship between kinship and female social preferences in mammalian societies is frequently complicated by philopatric behaviour and variation in pairwise home range overlap. While the influence of space use on association patterns is increasingly being considered in studies using network analysis, methods are needed for generating null models that control for pairwise home […]

Social bonds in the dispersing sex: partner preferences among adult female chimpanzees

In most primate societies, strong and enduring social bonds form preferentially among kin, who benefit from cooperation through direct and indirect fitness gains. Chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, differ from most species by showing consistent female-biased dispersal and strict male philopatry. In most East African populations, females tend to forage alone in small core areas and were […]