Is There a “Right” Side of Communicating Friendship? Lateralization of Social Interactions in Zoo Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)

Social laterality in non-human primates has started to attract attention in recent years. The positioning of individuals during social interactions could possibly suggest the nature of a relationship and the social ranking of the subjects involved. The subjects of the present study were 12 adult Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) housed in a zoological garden. We […]

Social organization as an expression of role behavior among Old World monkeys

Except for a few hours after birth, maternal status or maternal role behavior does not reduce the frequency of agonistic behaviors toward a subordinate mother. Although each species social adaptations can be understood only within the framework of its lifeway and ecology, there are phylogenetic adaptations which structure both signal systems and role behaviors. The […]

The relative influence of prior residency and dominance on the early feeding behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon

In many species where social hierarchy mediates conflict over resources, dominant individuals monopolize food, shelter and reproductive opportunities. The benefits of social dominance, however, can often be offset by a prior residence advantage, whereby individuals arriving first in a new habitat obtain, and subsequently defend, the most profitable sites. We investigated the relative influence of […]

Development of aggressive phenotypes in zebrafish: interactions of age, experience and social status

Aggression is important in the life history of most vertebrate species and influences ecological and social relationships by regulating the dynamics of territoriality, hierarchy, predation and resource utilization. The expression of aggressive behaviour develops as an individual ages and is often shaped by social experience. Even though the heritability of traits that yield dominant–subordinate relationships […]

Maternal exposure to environmental enrichment before and during gestation influences behaviour of rat offspring in a sex-specific manner

The beneficial effects of Environmental Enrichment (EE) applied immediately after weaning or even in adulthood have been widely demonstrated. Less is known about the possible changes in behaviour and brain development of the progeny following the exposure of dams to EE. In order to further investigate this matter, female rats were reared in EE for […]

Important role of dominance in allogrooming behaviour in beef cattle

In domestic cattle, the relationship between dominance and allogrooming behaviour has been investigated in several studies. However, the results do not show a consistent pattern. The aim of this study was to investigate this relationship in a stable female beef cattle herd using social network analysis as a novel methodological approach. We tested two adaptive […]