Lizards perceived abiotic and biotic stressors independently when competing for shade in terrestrial mesocosms

Hormones such as glucocorticoids and androgens enable animals to respond adaptively to environmental stressors. For this reason, circulating glucocorticoids became a popular biomarker for estimating the quality of an environment, and circulating androgens are frequently used to indicate social dominance. Here, we show that access to thermal resources influence the hormones and behavior of male […]

Reorganization of behaviour in laboratory mice,Mus musculus, with varying cost of access to resources

Gaining access to resources can be measured in terms of the time spent with, or the number of visits to, a resource. For some resources, time spent with the resource might be more important, for others the number of visits might be more meaningful. By using traverses of shallow water, the costs of gaining access […]

Female crickets are driven to fight by the male courting and calling songs

Crickets have traditional sex roles, where males compete aggressively for access to selective polyandrous females. However, in a laboratory experiment, we found that normally nonaggressive female Gryllus campestris fought each other vigorously in the presence of a courting male, resulting in a dominant female that gained a greater probability of receiving the spermatophore. Female-female fights […]