The influence of sex, rearing history, and personality on abnormal behaviour in zoo-housed bonobos (Pan paniscus)

Abnormal behaviours are often used as a welfare indicator in zoo-housed great apes. While previous studies report on the occurrence of abnormal behaviours in zoo-housed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), there is currently a lack of knowledge about such behaviours in the closely related bonobo (Pan paniscus). Here we report on the prevalence, diversity and frequency of […]

The influence of sex, rearing history, and personality on abnormal behaviour in zoo-housed bonobos (Pan paniscus)

Abnormal behaviours are often used as a welfare indicator in zoo-housed great apes. While previous studies report on the occurrence of abnormal behaviours in zoo-housed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), there is currently a lack of knowledge about such behaviours in the closely related bonobo (Pan paniscus). Here we report on the prevalence, diversity and frequency of […]

Effects of personality and rearing-history on the welfare of captive Asiatic lions (Panthera leo persica)

The long-term success of ex-situ conservation programmes depends on species-appropriate husbandry and enrichment practices complemented by an accurate welfare assessment protocol. Zoos and conservation breeding programmes should employ a bottom-up approach to account for intraspecific variations in measures of animal welfare. We studied 35 (14:21) captive Asiatic lions in Sakkarbaug Zoological Garden, Junagadh, India to […]

Variables Influencing the Origins of Diverse Abnormal Behaviors in a Large Sample of Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

The developmental origin of abnormal behaviors is generally associated with early rearing environments that lack sufficient physical and sensory stimulation. However, other factors should also be considered. A large sample of captive chimpanzees (128 males and 140 females) was surveyed for the presence or absence of 18 abnormal behaviors. Origin variables included the subject’s source […]

The effect of different degrees of ‘positive’ human-animal interaction during rearing on the welfare and subsequent production of commercial dairy heifers

A 3-year study tested the hypotheses that brushing each heifer for 5 min per week in the weeks preceding calving (long term positive treatment: PT) while the heifers were unrestrained, is sufficient to improve subsequent parlour behaviour and production, and this could be influenced by the extent of the PT. Four intakes of commercial dairy heifers […]

Effects of environmental enrichment on reproduction

Abstract 10.1002/zoo.1430130507.abs Although there have been few demonstrations of a direct empirical relationship between environmental enrichment and reproductive success in captive animals, indirect and anecdotal evidence indicates the importance of physical and temporal complexity for reproduction. We discuss three major mechanisms through which environmental enrichment that specifically increases the complexity of an animal’s surroundings may […]

Hens are motivated to dustbathe in peat irrespective of being reared with or without a suitable dustbathing substrate

Birds usually dustbathe in litter, but in the absence of this they sham dustbathe. The question addressed in this study was whether laying hens, Gallus gallus domesticus reared without litter and used to performing sham dustbathing consider this to be [`]real’ dustbathing and are satisfied with this or, if given the opportunity, would choose to […]

The prevalence of feather pecking and development in commercial flocks of laying hens

Feather pecking and cannibalism remain serious problems when laying hens are intensely farmed, but there is not much data on the true prevalence of feather pecking under commercial conditions. A recent epidemiological survey estimated it to be 37.5%. To verify this value we collected data on the occurrence of feather pecking by means of direct […]

Influence of prior exposure to wood shavings on feather pecking, dustbathing and foraging in adult laying hens

It has been proposed that chicks acquire substrate preferences during an early ‘sensitive’ period. If a suitable substrate is absent during this period birds may develop alternative preferences for pecking at feathers. The aim of this study was to examine whether early substrate exposure has durable effects on the subsequent behaviour of adult hens. The […]

A note on light preference in layer pullets reared in incandescent or natural light

The effect of early exposure of pullets to natural light may have an effect on the later preference for light type and on the behaviour of birds after being transferred to laying facilities. Our aim was to study the light-type preference of 14-week pullets reared in either incandescent or natural light. From day-old, a total […]