Sex Differences in Natural Behavior Predict Sex Differences in Stereotypic Behavior in Okapis

Effects of Sex and Climate on the Normal and Repetitive Behavior of Okapis

Abnormal repetitive behavior (ARB), sometimes putatively called stereotypic behavior, is a significant welfare concern for animals in captivity. ARBs tend to increase in situations considered to be suboptimal and are linked to signs of poor welfare, including decreased reproductive success. In some species comparisons, ARBs in captivity are thought to correlate with specific behaviors in […]

Brood Ranging Behaviour and Breeding Success of the Threatened Little Bustard in an Intensified Cereal Farmland Area

Cereal pseudo-steppes hold the largest proportion of declining bird species in Europe. Understanding how this process of decline is driven is essential for designing adequate management practices. The little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) is one of such threatened steppe-land bird species, which has suffered recent dramatic range constrictions and population declines. Although low breeding success has […]