Anti-predator response to raptor calls in wild crows, Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis

Studies of anti-predator adaptations typically focus on behavioural tactics such as vigilance, alarm calling and mobbing. Less information is available regarding the sorts of environmental cues available to prey for detecting predators, together with the design features of the sensory mechanisms facilitating detection and recognition. Several recent studies, however, have indicated that prey are capable […]

Responses of Cotton-Top Tamarins (Saguinus Oedipus) to Faecal Scents of Predators and Non-predators

The responses of 56 cotton-top tamarin monkeys (Saguinus Oedipus) to the faecal scent of predators and non-predators were recorded to determine if there was a differential response. Methylene chloride extracts were prepared from the faeces of suspected predators (margay and tayra) and non-predators (capybara and paca) known to co-exist with the tamarins in the wild. […]

A test of maternal programming of offspring stress response to predation risk in threespine sticklebacks

Non-genetic maternal effects are widespread across taxa and challenge our traditional understanding of inheritance. Maternal experience with predators, for example, can have lifelong consequences for offspring traits, including fitness. Previous work in threespine sticklebacks showed that females exposed to simulated predation risk produced eggs with higher cortisol content and offspring with altered anti-predator behavior. However, […]