Do house mice modify their foraging behaviour in response to predator odours and habitat?

Predator odours and habitat structure are thought to influence the behaviour of small mammalian prey, which use them as cues to reduce risks of predation. We tested this general hypothesis for house mice, Mus domesticus, by manipulating fox odour density via addition of fox scats and habitat via patchy mowing of vegetation, for populations in […]

The cardiovascular and behavioral response to cat odor in rats: unconditioned and conditioned effects

Cardiovascular and behavioral responses were recorded in rats during exposure to cat odor. Rats were habituated to an open rectangular arena that contained a small enclosed wooden box in which they could hide. On day 1 of the experiment, after 30 min in the apparatus, rats were presented with a piece of fabric collar for […]

Aggregation in quads but not pairs of rats exposed to cat odor or bright light

In many prey species aggregation of individuals is a defensive strategy commonly employed in response to predators and predator-related cues. However, very little work has explored this adaptive response in laboratory rats. It is known that individual rats show characteristic defensive responses to predator odors, such as hiding, avoidance, inhibition of foraging, feeding and reproduction, […]

Fear-like behavioral responses in mice in different odorant environments: Trigeminal versus olfactory mediation under low doses

Odors can have repulsive effects on rodents based on two complementary adaptive behaviors: the avoidance of predator odors (potentially dangerous) and the avoidance of trigeminal stimulants (potentially noxious). The present study aimed to compare the behavioral effects on mice of odors according to their trigeminal properties and ecological significance. We used three different odors: 2,4,5-trimethylthiazoline […]

Male risk taking, female odors, and the role of estrogen receptors

Male risk-taking and decision making are affected by sex-related cues, with men making riskier choices and decisions after exposure to either women or stimuli associated with women. In non-human species females and, or their cues can also increase male risk taking. Under the ecologically relevant condition of predation threat, brief exposure of male mice to […]