Effects of predation risk on foraging behaviour and group size: adaptations in a social cooperative species

There is a divergence between models examining the evolution of group living in species in which groups are largely based on families and those based on fluid aggregations of nonrelatives. In the former, the onus has been on ecological and demographic factors that select for offspring philopatry; in the latter, the importance of factors such […]

Feeding nestlings does not function as a signal of social prestige in cooperatively breeding chestnut-crowned babblers

Humans are commonly concerned with social status, and often cooperate in the presence of others in an attempt to signal their potential as a social or reproductive partner. Whether or not cooperation might signal prestige in nonhuman animals is seldom tested and poorly understood. We investigated whether male chestnut-crowned babblers, Pomatostomus ruficeps, that are unrelated […]