Physiological and hormonal responses to novelty exposure in rats are mainly related to ongoing behavioral activity

Stress research has been dominated by a circular type of reasoning that occurrence of a stress response is bad. Consequently, the stimulus is often interpreted as stressful in terms of aversiveness involving uncontrollability and unpredictability, which may have maladaptive and pathological consequences. However, the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and sympathico-adrenomedullary (SAM) system are not only activated […]

Behaviour of food restricted broilers during rearing and lay–effects of an alternative feeding method

Broiler breeders are subjected to quantitative food restriction in order to control their growth, and this restriction is particularly severe during rearing. While such restriction improves some welfare problems associated with ad libitum feeding, it causes others: birds routinely show abnormal oral behaviours and have elevated plasma corticosterone concentration (PCC) and changes in white blood […]