Modifications of behaviour associated with inherited convulsions or whirling in three strains of peromyscus

Measures of behaviour of three strains of deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus) which exhibit inherited types of convulsions or whirling are compared with similar measures made of a normal strain. Differences between affected and normal strains occur in the means of time taken to enter and to traverse several kinds of experimental apparatus, response time to bright […]

Spatial navigation strategies in Peromyscus: a comparative study

A male advantage in spatial abilities is predicted to evolve in species where males rely on expansion of home territory to locate dispersed mates during the breeding season. We sought to examine mechanistic underpinnings of this evolved trait by comparing spatial navigational abilities in two species of Peromyscus that use widely different reproductive strategies: deer […]

Faecal avoidance and selective foraging: do wild mice have the luxury to avoid faeces?

Host–parasite interactions are a key determinant of the population dynamics of wild animals, and behaviours that reduce parasite transmission and infection may be important for improving host fitness. While antiparasite behaviours have been demonstrated in laboratory animals and domesticated ungulates, whether these behaviours operate in the wild is poorly understood. Therefore, examining antiparasite behaviours in […]