Getting to the Meat of It: The Effects of a Captive Diet upon the Skull Morphology of the Lion and Tiger

Zoo animals are crucial for conserving and potentially re-introducing species to the wild, yet it is known that the morphology of captive animals differs from that of wild animals. It is important to know how and why zoo and wild animal morphology differs to better care for captive animals and enhance their survival in reintroductions, […]

Issues of captivity and conservation surrounding pantherine cats with a focus on the lion (Panthera leo) and the tiger (Panthera tigris)

Thousands of lions and tigers live in captivity in the United States, residing in zoos, private exhibits, sanctuaries, research facilities, and family homes. As a result of limited federal and state management of the captive exotic cats, the total combined population of lions and tigers in the United States is unknown but estimated to be […]