Female marmosets’ behavioral and hormonal responses to unfamiliar intruders

The endocrine control mechanisms for female mammalian aggression have been largely unstudied. Although it has been proposed that androgens may modulate female aggressive behavior in a similar manner to males, very little conclusive evidence exists. Previous work in male marmosets found that post-encounter increases in testosterone (T) were dependent on the intensity of aggression displayed […]

Long-term alterations in neural and endocrine processes induced by motherhood in mammals

This article is part of a Special Issue “Parental Care”. The reproductive experience of pregnancy, lactation and motherhood can significantly remodel the female’s biological state, affecting endocrine, neuroendocrine, neural, and immunological processes. The brain, pituitary gland, liver, thymus, and mammary tissue are among the structures that are modified by reproductive experience. The present review that […]