Comparing Predictors and Outcomes of Higher Allostatic Load across Zoo-Housed African Great Apes

Stressors over the lifespan can contribute to physiological dysregulation, or allostatic load. Allostatic load has been studied in humans using allostatic load indices (ALIs) for over 25 years, but the same methods are rarely applied to other species. We constructed an ALI for zoo-housed western lowland gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos and tested potential predictors of […]

Maximum longevity and juvenile mortality in zoo‐housed mangabeys

Little is known about the biology of grey-cheeked and black crested mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena and Lophocebus aterrimus, respectively). As these primates face threats in the wild, well-monitored zoo-housed populations with up to date registries are becoming increasingly valuable to acquire species knowledge and to support conservation efforts. We used international studbooks to extract demographic and […]

Personality and behavioral changes in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) following the death of herd members

Elephants are highly social beings with complex individual personalities. We know that elephants have a general interest in death, investigating carcasses, not just limited to kin; however, research does not explore in depth whether individuals change their behavior or personality following traumatic events, such as the death of a conspecific. Within a captive herd of […]

Death at the Zoo: The Media, Science, and Reality

Media characterizations of zoo and aquarium animal deaths were randomly monitored on the internet for a 20-month period (September 2003–May 2005). Based on 148 samples collected, it was possible to classify articles into one of four categories, which were operationally defined: 1) dispassionate observers; 2) accusers; 3) sympathizers; and 4) balancers. In addition, with the […]

Asian Elephants Are Not Self-sustaining in North America

Demographic analysis of the captive Asian elephants in North America indicates that the population is not self-sustaining. First year mortality is nearly 30%, but perhaps more important, the fecundity is extremely low (Mx = 0.01–0.02) throughout the prime reproductive years. Without continued importation or a drastic increase in birth rates, the Asian elephant population in […]

Comparative mortality levels among selected species of captive animals

We present life tables by single year of age and sex for groups of animals and for 42 individual mostly mammalian species. Data are derived from the International Species Information System. The survivorship of most of these species has never been mapped systematically. We demonstrate that, in most of the groups, female survivorship significantly exceeds […]

Reproductive parameters in captive hand-reared black-bellied sandgrouse

Abstract 10.1002/zoo.20185.abs Flock breeders of black-bellied sandgrouse originated from wild-laid eggs collected in west central Morocco in 2003 and 2004, were hatched, and hand-reared in captivity in the framework of a reinforcement population program. Three to five pairs of different ages were housed in an aviary. Egg-pulling procedure was used and eggs incubated artificially. Breeding […]

Captive breeding for reintroduction: influence of management practices and biological factors on survival of captive kaki (black stilt)

Abstract 10.1002/zoo.20065.abs An important component of the restoration strategy for the critically endangered kaki or black stilt (Himantopus novaezelandiae) is captive breeding for release. Since 1981 1,879 eggs were collected from wild and captive pairs, with birds laying up to four clutches. Eggs were incubated artificially and most chicks reared by hand until released as […]

Relationships between patterns of Fecal corticoid excretion and behavior, reproduction, and environmental factors in captive black (Diceros bicornis) and white (Ceratotherium simum) rhinoceros

Abstract 10.1002/zoo.20050.abs Mortality is high in zoo-housed black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), and the reproductive rates of captive white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) are unsustainably low. To determine the possible role of stress in the causation of these problems, we analyzed weekly fecal samples collected for 1 year from black (10 males and 16 females) and white […]

State of the North American African elephant population and projections for the future

Abstract 10.1002/1098-2361(2000)19:53.3.CO;2-F The African elephant has historically received less attention in the captive community than the Asian elephant. One manifestation of this lack of attention is that only 25 African elephant calves had been born in captivity in North America as of 1 January 1999. With the recent attention to both elephant species, it is […]