Sensory Ecology of Electromagnetic Radiation Perception in Subterranean Mole-Rats

Subterranean living animals must handle orientation in their habitat with limited cues, among which is light scarcity. Zambian mole-rats belong to the rodent genus Fukomys and spend the majority of their lifetime underground in extensive burrow systems. These mole-rats have generally been considered as functionally blind, but recent morphological findings have suggested that their visual […]

Light perception in ‘blind’ subterranean Zambian mole-rats

Because of their constantly dark habitat and microphthalmia, subterranean African mole-rats have hitherto been considered as blind. Recent morphological findings, however, revealed a qualitatively rather well-developed, although quantitatively reduced, visual system and questioned the prevailing idea of blindness. We investigated the reactions of Zambian mole-rats of the bathyergid genus Fukomys (formerly Cryptomys) to white light […]