Studying the behaviour and sensory ecology of marine mammals using acoustic recording tags: a review

Many marine animals use sound passively or actively for communication, foraging, predator avoidance, navigation, and to sense their environment. The advent of acoustic recording tags has allowed biologists to get the on-animal perspective of the sonic environment and, in combination with movement sensors, to relate sounds to the activities of the tagged animal. These powerful […]

Dietary self-selection in fish: a new approach to studying fish nutrition and feeding behavior

The principles of modern aquaculture encourage the development of fish feeds containing low fish meal content and several types of plant ingredients plus nutrients to avoid depleting global fish stocks and to reduce costs. However, food constituents can affect animal nutrition and feeding behavior, so the effect of different diets on fish behavior and growth […]

Ten practical realities for institutional animal care and use committees when evaluating protocols dealing with fish in the field

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s (IACUCs) serve an important role in ensuring that ethical practices are used by researchers working with vertebrate taxa including fish. With a growing number of researchers working on fish in the field and expanding mandates of IACUCs to regulate field work, there is potential for interactions between aquatic biologists […]