How do Common Otters (Lutra lutra, Linnaeus 1758) Interact? Behavioral Study on a Pair of Otters in Captivity

Common Otter is a fairly well-known species, however few studies have focused on their behavior. This is related with the challenges inherent to the observation of otters in the nature. For that reason, in the present work, a male and a female of this species in a captivity environment were observed. The aim was to […]

Stress in wild-caught Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra): effects of a long-acting neuroleptic and time in captivity

As part of a translocation project, 28 Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) were captured from the wild and transported to the Barcelona Zoo for veterinary evaluation, quarantine and intraperitoneal implantation of telemetry devices. Eleven animals were injected with the long-acting neuroleptic (LAN) perphenazine enanthate at the time of capture and the remaining animals served as a […]

The role of prey abundance and flow regulation in the marking behaviour of Eurasian otters in a Mediterranean catchment

Scent marking is a common behaviour used to delineate territories by carnivores, yet it remains insufficiently understood as there are several alternative hypotheses, one being that sites are marked where resources are abundant, thus guaranteeing their exclusive use. Small Mediterranean rivers are highly variable environments throughout the year, representing an ideal scenario to test this […]