How energy and coavailable foods affect forage selection by the western grey kangaroo

We aimed to identify chemical properties of plant species that correlate with their palatability, quantify a common currency of forage for the western grey kangaroo, Macropus fuliginosus, and test the impact of frequency of occurrence on food selection. Of 24 plant species exposed to kangaroos, those high in salts and tannins were avoided, whereas those […]

Social preference influences female community structure in a population of wild eastern grey kangaroos

Communities, clusters of individuals who interact socially primarily with each other, are fundamental elements of social structure in many species. Community membership can be influenced by spatial factors and by social preferences resulting from genetic or phenotypic assortment or shared behavioural strategies. Very little is known about community social structure in herbivorous mammals with higher […]

Associations are more strongly correlated with space use than kinship in female eastern grey kangaroos

Understanding the relationship between kinship and female social preferences in mammalian societies is frequently complicated by philopatric behaviour and variation in pairwise home range overlap. While the influence of space use on association patterns is increasingly being considered in studies using network analysis, methods are needed for generating null models that control for pairwise home […]

The welfare ethics of the commercial killing of free-ranging kangaroos: an evaluation of the benefits and costs of the industry

The commercial killing of kangaroos provides multiple benefits to society, but also causes both deliberate and unintended harms to kangaroos. The ethics of the kangaroo industry is assessed in terms of whether the assumed benefits justify the welfare costs. An analysis of the stated benefits indicates that killing for damage mitigation is beneficial mainly during […]

Kangaroo harvesters and the euthanasia of orphaned young-at-foot: applying the theory of planned behaviour to an animal welfare issue

When female kangaroos are shot during commercial harvesting, it is a requirement that dependent young-at-foot are euthanased. However, there are anecdotal reports that harvesters either cannot euthanase young-at-foot (eg they do not see them or they flee) or will not (eg they do not think it is necessary). In this study we used the theory […]